What if? The Madden Way. Another day, another down.


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It is hard to imagine what must go through the mind of a player who tries his best, yet his team looses. It must be frustrating and it eventually can start affecting said player’s performance.
That was the case with Marcin Magician and his struggling 49ers. He was beginning to struggle. In the game against the Dolphins he caught 4 passes which resulted in only 19 yards. Granted, one of them was a great 2 yard pass for a touchdown but Marcin was great he was far away from home and his friends. He began doubting himself and the shadow behind his back grew bigger and bigger. Especial after another ugly loss 21-35.
In New York, the Redskins were facing local Giants. It was obvious the team really needed great game from its quarterback but that just wasn’t about happen.
Liam Magician had a pedestrian game where he threw for 254 yards (18-29, 1-1) but the line interception he threw Kate in third quarter possibly changed the game momentum as at the time both teams were tied 13-13.
Sometimes it just happens, sometimes it sparks something else and sometimes it is only a reaction to previous action. Liam was in dumps and he needed a pick up.
Griswald was struggling to get his message through the players and he struggled with calls during games. It was evident in an ugly loss to Denver at your own turf. The 17-37 score stung and no one around wondered why the fans were booing. The Colts were awful and Andrew Luck kept on being outplayed by the opposing quarterbacks. This week, Luck passed for only 172 yards (20-39, 2-2) and he got fully outplayed by Sieman who had a game of his life with great stats of 387 yds, 27-41, 4-0.
People started begin to question if Luck was the future and whether he was the right choice. Struggling running game was not making things any better.
That what football life can be about. The painful lows and nowhere to hide. And the end of the season was season was far despite it felt like it was over.

Fallout 4 – Benevolent Leader Trophy


Fallout 4 benevolent leader

Sometimes I just can’t help the fact that I like to have it all, even if it forces me to do something rather not amusing for a while.
In the case of the benevolent leader trophy in Fallout 4 it was a case of roughly two hours. Luckily I had some things to do in between all the action!
I have quite a few settlements in Boston’s Wastelands. Some of them I tend to, some of them I like, some of them I don’t even know I acquired. You see I travel a lot, but one problem with them is that making the settlers 100% happy is rather a hard job. For those wanting to get that trophy that might be in a wat of obtaining platinum one, there is a fairly simple solution, although fairly boring too.
Get an empty settlement. (I had few but went with Jamaica Plains) Make two beds (6 cloth, second bed for yourself) and a chair (5 steel, or any other working combos), one machine gun turret (8 steel, 1 circuitry, 2 gear and 2 oil), build one Bar from stores and food drinks menu, make sure it is at least the second one needing 500 caps, 5 wood, 3 steel. After you had done that load up the settlements with like 20 bottles of purified water and 40 carrots (for your settler to survive 20 days. Any food can be used). Then you need to make sure the settlement is seen as large by the game mechanics; in order to do that spam built loads of wooden crates 70 (210 wood) should be enough. Before going getting a settler confirm using settlement menu (by pressing touch pad) that all values are green and sat zero except, defence 5, bed 2, happiness is at 50 and the bar in top right of the screen is orange meaning settlement is large.
After all that is OK, head to one of your settlements and using workshop menu highlight a settler (not a companion or anything) press square to send him or her to your chosen spot and follow them (not literally! Fast travel!). Once you are there, using workshop menu assign your settler to work the bar and go to sleep. Wake up around 8AM, idle out in game until the happiness level raises, you can check it by pressing the workshop menu, once you notice the value went up, sit in the chair wait (by pressing triangle) till around 8/9PM go to sleep for 12 hours (triangle again) and repeat the procedure until you hit the 100. Raising happiness can take up to ten minutes (the closer to hundred the longer) but my best way of keeping track was to be idle until the game went into the 3rd person view, then check workshop menu, if the value was up, I went to sit and then sleep if not then I’d wait till I’d be idle spinning in 3rd person view, check the workshop menu and repeat the process.
In my case the process started from 60, went to 66, then 72, then 76, 80, 84, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 100. It took me roughly two enjoyable hours chatting away with my son until we finally could just sod off to bed.
After that I realised I’ve still got BoS path to complete (well, one quest) to grab that platinum trophy but I’ll complete next time I’m about Boston. As for now I’m thinking of going back to New Vegas or to perhaps jump to Dunwall City as there is crazily cheap deal through next two weeks for PS4 definitive edition of Dishonored to grab if you fancy revisiting this great stealth game.
I mean sometimes it is cool not to have cash to get all the games you want straight away as some of deals that happen to games that are not recently released are wicked.
Anyway. Enjoy!

Fallout 4 100% happy

Night Plague – Graham Masterton



“Night Plague” is the third book from Graham Masterton’s series called “Night Warriors” and in my opinion is the best from the series as its atmosphere is rather brutal in places reminding me of some darkest titles written by Masterton.
Stanley, an American cello players is brutally raped while in London with a visit. The attacker seems to be a pale faced figure wearing hooded piece of clothing. As it later turns out, the rapist isn’t human and the act of raping is much more than just a sexual offense and its meaning is much more deeper than we could originally anticipate.
What occurs is Stanley gets infected with the Night Plague that transmits through violent sex acts while person who’s infected is having dreams. The goal of the infection is to destroy the soul, not the body.
Once infected, one can not get rid of dark thoughts, he or she loses the sense of dignity and slowly starts sliding down into hole of madness.
While his own identity starts falling apart, Stanley finds out he is a descendant of a Night Warrior and his destiny is to fight against the evil, which started spreading the plague.
Fortunately he is not alone in the fight and with the help of other Night Warriors Stanley must face the quickly growing troubles. We find out that two other Night Warriors became infected and there is less and less time and the evil and the plague grows stronger and becomes bigger. Eventually witch Isabel, the best servant of Satan, who was kept captured in stoned prison while she was asleep, slowly wakes up and becomes more powerful.
The matters reach the peak when one finds out that the witch has a baby with one of the Night Warriors…
In “Night Plague” Graham Masterton introduces new ideas that keep the series fresh and give some extra light at the whole story. There’s a lack of brave fights to visualise the never ending conflict between the good and the evil. Instead the reader realises how powerful the plague can be and how destructive the thoughts and visions one encounters can become in the outcome of one’s actions.