Mirror – Graham Masterton


Some stories just tick all your boxes despite many people telling you how bored they were or how unoriginal the story was or any other reason that comes to mind.
I found “Mirror” hidden in a dusty pile of books at my cousins flat. His dad used to read a lot, so I asked him what he thought of that title and he shrugged his shoulders and told me it was disappointing.
I nearly left this book there as it skipped my mind but there were some magic forces involved in me, just as I was leaving, remembering the dusty book and grabbing it for later read.
And eventually I had met Martin, Hollywood screenplay writer who deals with rather monotonous job of rewriting or correcting parts of various TV soap operas, or other series. We find out he’s got a big dream, really big one which is creating a musical about some young boy, who was becoming a musical star in the thirties of XX century.
His artistic name was Boofulus and unfortunately he was brutally murdered by his grandmother, who shortly after commuting this terrifying crime took her own life leaving every one in their life’s with the questions as to why she did what she did.
Our protagonist being so obsessed with the story of the young star who had been dead for over 50 years comes in possession of a mirror. It isn’t an ordinary mirror, no! It is believed that the very mirror witnessed the death moments of Boofulus…
Martin, knowing that fact becomes relentless in attempts of “unlocking” the secret the mirror might hold and it starts a horrifying series of events that might lead to an Apocalypse….
But before the Apocalypse happens Martin has to look deeply inside of himself to find what is important for him and…he has to find a way to look after Boofulus…
I really couldn’t understand why my uncle didn’t care much for “Mirror”, for me it was like such a great idea, that was executed very well and the constantly growing atmosphere of dread kept me reading it as fast as I could.
Ever since, there are times that I feel uneasy around mirrors and very rarely I won’t even look into one.
Just in case…

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